Thursday, September 23, 2010

Simple Subject Composition

 Simple Subject. What on earth is a simple subject?! Rather what qualifies it to be simple?
To me simplicity is easy. It is easy to understand, to comprehend and to develop and opinion about.
This is a black and white photograph I look of my sister about a year ago. People... not exactly simple subjects! I love this picture because it is a portrait in reverse. From this angle, I feel like I can clearly distinguish the relaxed emotion and serenity. The black and white concept enhanced the contrast between extreme highlights and dark shadows which push the image to it's dramatic finish. Compositionally, it follows the rule of thirds, and just enough of her body is portrayed to suggest a curvy petite frame within the rectangular bounds of the photograph.
The focal point becomes the curls in her hair, which are loose and soft enough to allow our eyes to relax in the comfort of their pattern. Your eye is drawn down the left vertical line of third, through the curves and curls in her hair and elongates the right side of her silhouette. This line establishes a strong contrapasto in the figure. Her hair definitely gives the photo texture and an interesting contrast between the smooth white top and background, and the detail in her curls.
To me, this picture is so simple it's almost boarder-lining on "blah!" However, I find that because of the subtle details; simplicity becomes powerful.

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